Tips To Help You Prepare Your Home For Fall
If you have yet to start your honey-do list for the fall season, August is the ideal time to start as cooler temperatures will soon be here in the North Shore area. Before your mind turns to fall leaves, we thought we would share a few seasonal chores to get your home ready.

 Inside Your Home

  1. Look For Roof Water Spots

It is a good idea to check for any wet spots on your ceilings as they are indicators of either roof or plumbing leaks. If you notice any, it will help you know where to look to repair any plumbing or roof issues before they become major problems.

  1. Complete A Furnace Inspection

Did you know that your furnace will be more energy-efficient if you perform a maintenance check each fall? It may also save you time since three out of four winter services calls end up being maintenance-related. It will also give you peace of mind knowing that experts have checked for carbon monoxide leaks and replaced filters.

  1. Invest In A Smart Thermostat

If you do not yet have one, a smart thermostat can greatly enhance your life since you can access it anywhere via your wi-fi connection. Not only can you lower your thermostat and heating bills when away, but you can warm it up when you are on the way home.

  1. Change Your Batteries In Fire And CO2 Alarms

Safety is important which is why testing your fire and carbon monoxide alarms should be done twice a year, You should also replace the batteries and test them to ensure they work properly. It is also a great idea to add this task to your chore list.

  1. Check All Doors And Windows For Drafts

Heating your home contributes to 45% of your monthly bills. It is important to check each door and window for drafts so that you retain as much of the heat as possible. It is the ideal time to add seals and caulking to ensure your home is properly winterized.

Outside Your Home

  1. Check Your Roof For Leaks Or Damage

It is a good idea to do a spot-check for leaks or damaged shingles on your roof. You can use binoculars to check from the ground or you can call us as we will gladly take care of this task for you. It is a good reason to clean the gutters and remove debris as well.

  1. Perform A Maintenance Check On Your Fireplace And Chimney

Fall is the right time of year to check your fireplace bricks, mortar, firebox cracks, joints, damper, and flue. You should make sure you remove anything that obstructs the proper function of your fireplace. It is a dirty job, so we will be glad to do these chores for you.

  1. Inspect Landscape And Trees

Check the trees to make sure no limbs are broken or hanging. You should also check your landscape to remove branches and debris that could damage your siding or roof. A good time to achieve it will be when raking your leaves.

For more tips, you can visit North Shore Roofing here. For a chimney or fireplace maintenance check, you can also call our office at 978-977-3816 or visit us on Facebook.