Are You Expecting Company This Holiday Season? 5 Must-Do Tasks

Are you expecting a lot of company this holiday season? If so, you are probably under a lot of stress to get your home ready by taking care of a few must-do tasks.  Unless you employ a full staff, that means you will need to do them yourself or hire affordable and reliable companies who will help you get your home and hearth ready even when you might not yet be. With the holiday sales on their way, it’s the perfect time to declutter, restock, and repair so your family and friends feel welcome, festive, and comfortable in every part of your beautiful home.

  1. Declutter And Deep Clean Your Home

Holidays are already stressful, but with family and friends visiting, it is even worse. A deep clean ensures that items are where they belong and you do not experience any unexpected embarrassment about things you should have discarded. As Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner, it is the ideal time to declutter and clean. Remove newspapers, magazines, or outdated décor from the mantel and table. Keep a critical eye on areas your guests will likely use like the sitting room, kitchen, guest bedrooms, and bathrooms. Go for a minimalist look to counterbalance the anticipated guest clutter.

  1. Get Your Fireplace Inspected And Cleaned

What better way to spend the holidays than by sitting in front of a fireplace with family and friends enjoying a cup of coffee or chocolate to take the bite off of the cold weather? Give us a call so that we can help you inspect and clean your fireplace so that your family is safe and secure this holiday season.  Removing the ash and soot will also provide a visually pleasing aesthetic that will leave your guests in awe of its natural beauty.

  1. Stock Up On Household Supplies

Preparing for the holidays is more than just Christmas décor when your family is visiting. You will need to stock up on household items like food, toiletries, and cleaning supplies.

  1. Repairs, Repairs, Repair

From your chimney and fireplace to your plumbing system, you need to inspect each area to ensure it is ready for usage. You will not want to feel embarrassed when rolling smoke pours out of your fireplace because you needed repairs or the toilet backs up as it was not maintained properly.  Maintenance and repairs will prevent fire or plumbing emergencies that tend to occur when there are lots of overnight visitors.

  1. Get Your Roof Inspected Before It Snows

While you are at it, you should have your roof inspected and cleaned to ensure there are no low-lying limbs that will cause damage from heavy snowfall. You will also want us to clean the gutters to make sure that no blockages occur and cause standing water.

Our staff is on call to handle all of your roofing and chimney needs. You can make an appointment for a free quote by calling us at 978-977-3816 or visiting our Facebook page here.